Design by Anne Taintor
So much for transferring my food addiction to alcohol. I get e-mails periodically from and I received a link to this wonderful article.
Seriously, yes I know that drinking alcohol is not great for weight loss and when I'm tracking my calories on The Daily Plate (a tool on I always track the calories from alcohol too. I also know that alcohol is full of empty carbs. But when you give up bread, tortillas, rice, pasta, hamburgers, hot dogs, pancakes and big breakfasts forever, a girl's got to have a little indulgence. Not so... Not only is alcohol bad for me for all the reasons above, apparently it also slows down weight gain. Yes my friend, it does.
This reminded me of an article I read a couple of years back about women who don't eat so they can drink. I tried to find that article, but instead I came across this article. Interesting and how confusing. The article even says that women have been receiving conflicting messages about alcohol.
So basically from the two articles I've read I've come to this conclusion: if you're overweight like I am, yes alcohol will slow down weight loss. But if you're already in your ideal weight range chances are you won't be as prone to gain weight if you drink a drink or two per day. Other factors should also be taken into account. For example, a diabetic shouldn't really drink because of how high the carbs are in liquor. Carbs spike sugar in the body, etc.
So the safest bet for me is to cut down on my drinking. Something I've known for a while but... I have given up so much already. Or I can look at it this way. I've already given up so much already, what is one more thing? Yeah, sure that makes me feel better.
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